­­What is beauty sleep and how can we achieve it? 

14th September 2023 | Sleep & Customer Satisfaction
woman waking up

The idea of "Beauty sleep" often isn’t taken seriously, but there’s more truth to it than many people realise. It refers to the healing our bodies do while we sleep, especially when it comes to our skin. During deep sleep, our bodies make more cells and growth hormones that fix any skin damage from the day. But the benefits of sleeping well are more than just a pretty face – it’s good for our all-round mental and physical health. Read on to find out more about how a good night’s sleep can help you look and feel your best as well as how you can get more deep sleep with TEMPUR®.

The science behind beauty sleep

Sleep is very important for keeping the whole body healthy and working properly, including the brain, immune system, metabolism, and skin. While we sleep, our skin can revive itself. This can include enhancing the production of growth hormones believed to aid in muscle development and cell rebuilding; generating hormones that fend off illness and combat infection; and helping improve learning and memory in the brain. These processes can have an impact on an individual's physical appearance, as a result affecting someone’s perception of how they look and their beauty.

Sleep and skin

Not getting enough sleep can affect the appearance of your skin. When you sleep, your skin uses this time to heal from the damage it got from the sun and other things during the day. If you don't sleep enough, your skin can't fully heal, and this can make skin problems worse. However, your skin can get better quickly if you have a few good nights of sleep in a row. Also, getting enough sleep helps your blood flow better to your skin, which can make your skin tone look more even when you wake up.

Symptoms of poor sleep include:

  • Paler skin than usual
  • Wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth
  • Hanging corners of the mouth
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Red or swollen eyes
  • Dark circles below the eyes
  • Appearing more fatigued and sadder than usual

These physical signs of sleep deprivation can also make us look unhealthy, leading to poor self-esteem. Therefore, establishing a bedtime routine and more importantly nighttime skincare routine can help skin rejuvenation as well as how to sleep better.

The benefits of having a bedtime routine

A bedtime routine acts as a cue to our bodies, indicating that it's time to relax and get ready for sleep, which results in better sleep quality. This restful sleep is when our skin cells regenerate and repair, contributing to a radiant complexion and reduced signs of aging. Furthermore, a good night's sleep can result in brighter eyes and improved mood, enhancing our natural beauty. Therefore, a regular bedtime routine ensures we get our beauty sleep and plays a vital role in our appearance and well-being. Also, a bedtime routine goes beyond ensuring sufficient sleep; it's about enhancing our overall life quality.

How can deep sleep help with skin rejuvenation?

Deep sleep is very important for making your skin look better. When you're in deep sleep, your body works to fix any damage. This includes your skin, which can get damaged from things like the sun or dirt in the air. During deep sleep, your body sends more blood to your skin. This helps make more collagen, a protein that keeps your skin firm and stretchy. Deep sleep can also help lower stress and stop swelling in your body, which can make your skin look healthier. Plus, it helps balance your body's water, which keeps your skin from getting too dry or puffy. So, deep sleep is like a natural beauty treatment that can make your skin look younger and healthier.

 Sleep and wrinkles

During sleep, the blood supply to your skin, or epidermis, is enhanced. It's during this period that your skin starts to regenerate and create new collagen, an essential element in the repair process that helps prevent sagging, aging, and the formation of wrinkles. The more collagen your skin generates while you're asleep, the less susceptible you are to wrinkle development - so, the cure to getting rid of wrinkles is getting a good night’s sleep.

Silk pillowcases can also be good for your skin as you get older. They are smooth, so they don't pull on your skin as much when you move in your sleep. This can help stop sleep lines from forming as well as sleep creases. Silk also doesn't soak up a lot of moisture, so it helps keep your skin hydrated and less likely to show wrinkles. Silk is also naturally good at keeping away things like dust mites and mould, which can help stop your skin from getting irritated. Plus, silk can help keep your skin cool, which can stop it from puffing up and wrinkling. So, while they can't stop aging completely, silk pillowcases can help keep your skin looking healthier and younger.

Other methods to improve sleep

Getting a good night's sleep isn't always easy. If you're seeking to enhance your beauty sleep, implementing some of the following tips could lead to waking up with radiant skin in no time.

Improve your sleep environment: Try a TEMPUR® pillow that can help achieve a good night’s sleep.

  • Washing your face before bed: Washing your face before bed clears away any excess oils and is especially important if you wear makeup. Going to sleep with makeup on is among the worst practices for your skin. Make sure you cleanse your face before bedtime to eliminate any toxins and residual makeup from the day
  • Remove technology before bedtime: In the hour leading up to your bedtime, it's best to steer clear of electronic devices like mobile phones, televisions, computers, and similar gadgets The blue light emitted from these devices can hinder your ability to fall asleep if you're exposed to it shortly before bedtime.
  • 4-7-8 breathing method: this type of breath work can help those who are sleep deprived it can also help with anxiety and help calm the mind.

Remember, a comfortable mattress coupled with plush bedding significantly adds to having a sound night's sleep. Complement this with a soft pillow and you'll be guaranteed your beauty sleep