How to break in a new mattress

25th July 2023 | Sleep & Customer Satisfaction
Woman lying on new mattress

Congratulations on replacing your worn-out mattress with a fresh, new TEMPUR® mattress! This will undoubtedly bring you the restful night's sleep you've been yearning for in recent months. However, as you lay on your new mattress for the first time, you may notice that it feels firmer than you expected. Why is that? The answer is much simpler than you think; your new mattress just needs to be broken in. Read on to find out why you need to break in a new mattress and the best practices to do so.

Why Do You Need to Break in Your New Mattress?

As you had become accustomed to your previous mattress, you grew familiar with its saggy indents, worn-out springs, and frayed materials. So, now that you have transitioned to a new mattress, it's only natural that it will take some time for your body to adjust. Your body may have been compensating and might not be accustomed to the feeling of being properly aligned. Alternatively, your mattress may be particularly firm during the initial month or two simply because it is new. While some individuals find immediate bliss on the first night, others may face challenges for a month or two. For a quicker and cosier experience with your new bed, check out the helpful tips below.

Let your Mattress Breathe

While it may be quite tempting to dive right into bed as soon as your brand-new mattress arrives, we recommend letting it breathe for a few hours. This will allow oxygen to permeate the new materials, promoting increased flexibility. To increase the time it will take for this process to complete, consider opening a window or using a fan to allow proper ventilation. 

Warm it Up

Making a slight adjustment to the thermostat by raising it a degree or two before bedtime can contribute to a heightened level of comfort as you settle into your mattress. This gentle increase in temperature helps to soften the layers of the mattress, creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere for a restful night's sleep.

Add Some Weight

While you are asleep, the weight of your body exerts pressure on the mattress, allowing it to gradually adjust. To accelerate this process, consider rolling back and forth on the mattress or spending a few minutes each day walking or crawling around on it. This will help loosen up the materials more quickly. Also, during the break-in period, it would be beneficial to allocate more time to rest on the mattress. Rather than watching TV or reading on the sofa, why not bring these activities to your new mattress?

Give it the Right Base

Before placing your bed on the old foundation, it's a good idea to ensure that both pieces are compatible and that the foundation is not worn out, sagging, or broken. While you may not always need a new foundation, it might be necessary to consider a replacement if you've switched to a different type of bed.

When Will You Know If It’s Right for You?

Here at TEMPUR® UK, we know that everyone’s needs are different and it can take some time to figure out what you need from your mattress. That’s why we offer a 100 night trial to give you plenty of time to break in your new mattress - and if after at least 60 nights you still aren’t happy, you can return your mattress for a full refund. 

Want to find out more about how to make the most out of your new mattress? Get in touch with us on Facebook and Instagram.