Our Sales and Promotion Offer Pricing

TEMPUR UK follows the guidance published by the UK’s Chartered Trading Standards Institute in its “Guidance for traders on pricing practices” in relation to all price promotions offered on the products we sell. Unless otherwise stated, any price promotion, such as “Was/Now prices or showing the value of a bonus item, will compare the sale price or value with the full price at which products have been offered both online and in all our stores (excluding TEMPUR outlet stores). Products will have been on sale at the full price/value before the price promotion and in accordance with the principles laid down in the Guidance.

Our Current Prices

The prices published on this website, including those which may, from time to time, feature optional bonus products, were last updated on or before 12 July 2024 with the exception of the following:

Home By TEMPUR® Duvet Covers, Matching Pillow Cases and Fitted Sheets - 10 December 2024

TEMPUR® Prima Pillow - 17 December 2024

TEMPUR® Topper 5 - 13 February 2025

Our normal Terms and conditions apply.

Special Offers

Items listed under this section represent special offers, including special buys, exclusives or limited stock (clearance) ranges.

Prices shown on exclusive products and special buys were most recently updated on or before 10 December 2024.

Prices shown on limited stock/clearance ranges may not be repeated on similar future promotions once the stock available for the current offer has been exhausted.

Outlet Products

Items listed under this section are TEMPUR® refurbished products. These are limited stocked items with availability changing daily.

Prices shown are those offered on the day stock of a product becomes available and is listed. They may vary depending on the quantity available to sell at the time they are shown.

Prices and any additional savings shown on these items may not be repeated once the stock available for the current offer has been exhausted, or the promotion has ended.


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