Sleep and Mental Health: Remedies for Rest

7th May 2021 | Sleep & Customer Satisfaction
Woman happy in bed

Sleep and mental health are closely linked. Difficulty with one often leads to difficulty with the other, meaning it’s important you look after both for a healthy, happy life. If you are struggling with your mental health, sleep remedies could help you attain the rest required to boost your wellbeing.

To honour Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 (10th – 16th May) TEMPUR® are sharing their guide on natural sleep remedies, to help you sleep better and protect your mental health. This includes recommendations of the best herbs for sleep and information on TEMPUR®’s collaboration with Chartered Psychologist Suzy Reading, who’ll be offering advice on sleeping better and maintaining your mental health.


Lavender and Sleep

Amongst the best-known natural sleep remedies, lavender is a fragrant plant that has been used to treat depression and sleep difficulties since ancient times. It has been long believed that the soothing scent of lavender can calm the mind and induce a deep and peaceful sleep.

A versatile flower, lavender can be used in range of ways. Merely smelling the scent can aid sleep, so you should try applying a lavender essential oil to your pillow, using a lavender spray mist, or adding some lavender essential oil to a diffuser in your bedroom.

However, you should avoid ingesting lavender, as this can cause nausea.


Sleep Benefits of Passionflower

The medicinal benefits of the passionflower were originally discovered by Native Americans, with the plant now known worldwide for its calming properties. These relaxing effects mean the passionflower is thought to aid sleep, particularly when taken as an extract or tea.

However, passionflower is not suitable for everyone and you should not start taking it without first consulting a medical professional. It’s advised the herb should not be used by pregnant women or people taking certain types of medication, such as sedatives, blood thinners, or antidepressants.


Valerian as a Sleep Remedy

While the effectiveness of valerian as a sleep aid is debated by scientists, it has long been used in herbal medicine to treat anxiety and insomnia. It is thought to help people fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality, without causing any grogginess when waking up.

Valerian is typically administered as a tea or in a capsule. You should consult a doctor before taking valerian, to be sure it will be safe for you to use. If you experience any dizziness or daytime drowsiness when taking this herb, you should discontinue use immediately.

Melatonin Supplements

A modern sleep remedy, melatonin supplements are an increasingly popular option for boosting sleep quality. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates the human sleep cycle, being released by your body to signal to the brain that sleep is needed.

Commonly taken as a tablet, melatonin supplements have been shown to help improve sleep. Studies have found that people taking melatonin often fall asleep faster and spend more time in each cycle of sleep.

You should consult a medical professional before taking melatonin. Although it’s generally considered safe, side effects can occur and you should discontinue use immediately if you experience any grogginess, negative moods or stomach cramps.

Sleep Environment Improvements

If your sleep environment is poor, it’s likely you’re experiencing difficulty relaxing and upgrading to a higher quality mattress and pillow could benefit your sleep.

Your mattress and pillow should be both comfortable and supportive, allowing your body to rest in a healthy and relaxed position. Every TEMPUR® mattress and pillow is crafted with this in mind, using innovative design and the pressure relieving TEMPUR® Material

Suzy Reading with book

TEMPUR® Sleep Clinic

These herbs and plants are all useful remedies for those seeking to improve the restfulness and quantity of their sleep. However, herbal sleep remedies are not the only options for attaining a higher quality of sleep.

TEMPUR® are collaborating with sleep expert Suzy Reading to offer advice on getting a great night’s sleep. A Chartered Psychologist and author, Suzy is a published self-care author, with a deep understanding of the benefits of sleep for your mental health. On Friday 14th May at 1pm, TEMPUR® will be hosting a talk by Suzy, in which she will explore the value of sleep and provide some tips for maximising the quality of your rest.


This website does not provide medical advice and the contents of this article are intended for informational purposes only. Material on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice and you should always consult a healthcare professional before using a new treatment or medicine. Remedies listed in this article should be used cautiously and may not be suitable for all people.

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